What does a Wireless Router do for a Computer Network?
A wireless router acts as a wired router; you can assign IP addresses and network applications, and Internet connections. However, wireless routers have an additional element: to transmit a wireless signal, so you can connect to a network without having to connect your computer to anything. Wireless routers are excellent choices if you have a laptop or want to connect a game console to the Internet without having to fill your home with wires. Some routers and wireless service provide Internet modems packages to create a wireless Internet router, which functions as a modem and wireless router.
Additional Components needed for a Computer Network to Function.
A wireless router is only one element needed in a wireless network, is useless without the wireless components to connect to the network. For example, if you have a wireless router, but your computer only has a wired network card, wireless router do not do much good. You need wireless network cards to allow the components to receive and use a wireless network signal. Some devices, like game consoles, and some computers are equipped with wireless receivers built in. If you do not have a built-in wireless modem, you can use a wireless USB external adapter or network card to access a wireless network.
Using Wired Connections and Wireless at the same time.
Most wireless routers have four slots for wired Ethernet connections. It is the perfect option if you want to configure your wireless router close to a desktop PC that does not have a wireless card, you can connect your desktop computer using a cable connection, and broadcast the signal wirelessly to your wireless laptop or other units. Wired connections are also very convenient for network devices such as sharing printers and external hard drives.
Standards Protocols may Vary depending on your Network
One of the hardest things for new users is to decipher the various protocols and wireless technologies. The three most common wireless router is 802.11b, 802.11g and 802.11n. 802.11g is by far the most common network protocol and widely used wireless, but 802.11n is becoming more popular because it offers higher connection speeds and better wireless range.
Unfortunately, 802.11n is not finalized yet, which means it can still change before the final specifications are determined. 802.11n devices are more expensive than their counterparts 802.11g, and you should select products that let you update the firmware you choose an 802.11n network device, so you can install the necessary updates.
Security Features Enabled is a Must
Wireless networks operate using radio signals, and it is possible for people to intercept these signals to access your network and steal your data. All wireless routers offer integrated encryption protocols and security. When you configure a wireless router, make sure to select the protocol of the most advanced security that your network and network devices can support. You must match the security protocol for each device you'll need to connect to the network.
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